7 Deadly Sins Tag!

Wrath: What item do you have a strong love/hate relationship with?
I love the new 17 highlighter but only if my makeup has been done under a certain light or else I look like my whole face is sparkling!

Gluttony: What brand takes up most of your collection?
I think rimmel and 17 take up the majority of my make up collection.

Sloth: What product do you ignore the most due to laziness?
hmm Im really bad at sticking to a skin care routine so sometimes if I’m lazy ill just take my makeup off with a face wipe before bed. 

Pride: Which product gives you the most confidence?
Foundation , personally the max factor Facefinity, all day flawless because it is a primer,concealer and foundation all in one, and Its full coverage without looking cakey . It covers all blemishes, dark circles and redness and I generally dont leave the house unless I have at least foundation on.

Lust: What item is at the top of your list?
Id love to try bobbi brown shimmer brick in bronze just to compare it to my 17 one that looks the EXACT same as it.But otherwise Id love every O.P.I. nail varnish ever created!


17 shimmer brick (above)



Bobbi Brown shimmer brick (above)


Envy: Which makeup product/look looks great on others but not on you?
Red lipstick , I love it on others but I think it looks cheap and tacky on me !


I tag you all, Enjoy!!!,


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